We stayed in a bed and breakfast hotel in the Chiswick area of west London. The Brook Hotel has been in the same family since the 1970’s. www.TheBrookHotel.co.uk It was fashioned from 2 adjoining 3 story row houses. Each had a big garden in the back joined to make a lovely spot to sit. Milo loved running around and kicking his soccer ball.
The roses in the hotel’s garden were wonderful. Everyday there was a vase of roses on the entry table and in the lounge. Wonderfully scented blossoms we enjoyed sniffing. The French doors to the patio garden from the lounge and breakfast room were something I would love to have at home.
Both doors had window boxes filled with petunias, geraniums and multi-colored Lobelia drooping over the edges of each box. So nice! I took lots of photos of flowers all over our city route. Just so nice to see window boxes of flowers on business building windows and across the balconies of others. We need more of that kind of thing here think! Here is
another window box on a lovely marble sided office building. We were off to find St. James’s Palace and park next to Buckingham Palace. LOTS of walking! More of our travel log tomorrow.
Robin and Tina too.
Lucky Ladies. How wonderful and thanks for sharing your trip with us.