I have had a number of email questions lately about how to find some of the little things we use for our RedWork embroidery and for other finishing design accessories. We have a category called Stitching Accessories on our web site that has lots of goodies we find “necessary” for our love of needlework.
Pigma Pens – We have used and had in our stock of embroidery accessories these great Permanent transfer pens for years but I have just gotten around to adding them to the web site on the Stitching Accessories Category! The lines drawn are VERY thin and will be covered by your embroidery. The transferred design lines will NOT bleed when you launder your embroidery after you have completed the stitching. Great tools for a quick and easy transfer of your designs to your chosen fabric. Choose the pen color you prefer – even combining one or more colors on your fabric.
Emery is another treasure that took me YEARS to find! This is what used to be in the vintage dime store strawberries attached to the fat cotton tomato pin cushion Grandma had in her sewing basket. Now they are made in China and have Chinese sawdust in them. Make your own Strawberry Emery to sharpen your pins and needles. Very nifty!
Check out all the needful things in our Stitching Accessories department and find stuff you have been looking for.
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