We have received so many emails from our lovely friends and customers wondering where they can find some of the great things we have at quilt shows. I have spurred myself to take photos and post them on our web site.
These are REALLY cute vintage wooden cone shaped bobbins just 4” tall (or maybe small). I have placed a pair of our embroidery scissors in one of the cones. A great little spot to park your scissors on the table next to your favorite sewing chair. Each one has some yarn wound around a small indentation on the bottom. you can remove this color and add your own if you would like. When they were used as actual bobbins, the entire cone was covered with the yarn or thread. I don’t know the history of what machinery they were used on or what ribbon or fabric they were used to weave. Does anyone know anything about them? Please, let me know!
Our vintage-style Metal Clamp Make-do has been in our stash for some time but you couldn’t find them easily! Now you can – they have been added to our Stitching Accessories category on the web site. Let your imagination go and think up lots of goodies to make and attach to the 2” metal circle on the top of the clamp. Then attach your Make-do pin cushion – or just a cute thing – to your table. You can, also, make something unusual and interesting to just display on a shelf in your sewing area near all your other goodies. We have had a wonderful time attaching things to them!
I’ll get back to searching through our things to add to the web site and show off to you in future blog stories. We have lots of stuff around here you might not know about!
Have a great weekend. Our weather is fabulous and I hope to plant some of the nifty cactus plants I bought after the Amador Valley Quilting show a couple of weeks ago. Tina and I are planning to not have as much water to put on our gardens this year and are switching to different garden design.
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